many drafts later, and always in the works... I have been writing and saving cards since I was little.
I find myself re-reading them in moments of nostalgia when I’m looking for connection or inspiration. It feels good. It isn’t the cards themselves. It is the moments they contain. Pushing me forward, pulling me back, and reminding me of my strength.
I love the way words
can string together like a piece of art and how one small message can change the course of someone's day.
a love of words + my passion for connecting people + the magic that exists in everyday exchanges. It starts with a message on a note card to encourage you to continue, be that in jest, in love, in solitude, or in friendship.
These cards are merely a beginning.
I want to collaborate, build, and share a collection of stories that live inside the moment, inside of you/us. I want it to be just the thing you need. I hope these messages hit the mark for you, or someone in your life.
And remember, you're a beautiful thing.